Gathering and Compression

Oil and Gas Gathering

The ProMax® GIS Tool™ allows for fast, easy modeling of single or multiphase gathering systems. Whether designing a new system or tying in new feeds to an existing system, the GIS Tool gives the user the ability to make better decisions faster than ever before.

  • Use inputs from GIS data or Google Earth files. Formats include (.kmz, .kml, .shp, or .xyz)
  • Import information to ProMax for quick and easy model creation
  • Analyze system performance and improvements for single or multiphase systems
  • Optimize node pressure to debottleneck or improve system performance
  • Tie the gathering system into other system models
ProMax® Gathering and Compression ProMax® Gathering and Compression

Gas Compression

ProMax provides complete solutions to all your midstream needs, including compression stations.

  • Model multistage compressor stations with ease
  • Use set efficiencies or real performance curves for improved accuracy
  • Centrifugal or Reciprocating compressors available
  • Predict liquids knock-out and condensate formation
  • Optimize interstage pressures using ProMax Solvers
  • Model acid gas injection systems with certainty
ProMax® Gathering and Compression ProMax® Gathering and Compression