ProMax - The Difference is Accuracy

Lili Lyddon

October 24, 2006

All amine sweetening models are different, even if they have the same name or start with the same basic equation. The models may be based on different criteria: correlations, mass transfer, equilibrium with efficiencies, etc. After the basis for the model is estab­lished, each software vendor fits equilibrium data into the simulator differently and makes many proprietary modifications beyond the basic data fit. Thus I would not expect the results from any 2 simulators or even from any 2 models in the same simulation package to produce the same results. Although a model used in another simulator may have started with the same basic equation as ProMax’s Electrolytic ELR package, the other program does not use the kinetic model that is used in ProMax, and the data is most certainly fitted differently from the way data has been fitted in ProMax. The equilibrium data used by the other simulator may not even be the same data used by ProMax. ProMax developers try to use the most accurate and consistent equilibrium data available, and then the model is further refined based on comparisons with actual plant operating data where appropriate.

Authored by Lili Lyddon - BR&E Technical Support / Help Author