Options for Color Blind Users

Lili Lyddon

March 15, 2007

In ProMax, color indicates the status of blocks and streams. For the user with normal vision, a red block is unconnected, a blue block is unsolved, an orange block has an approximate solution, and a green block is solved. The color blind user cannot distinguish between some of these colors and thus cannot visually determine block/stream status. ProMax includes some color scheme options which can aid the color blind user in distinguishing between the status of blocks and streams. This is accomplished by modifying the Settings.xml file to change the color scheme. Color schemes are available for Protanope (red deficiency), Deuteranope (green deficiency), and Tritanope (blue deficiency). Note that the Settings.xml file is not generated until ProMax is executed for the first time.

Authored by Lili Lyddon (BR&E Technical Support and Help Author)