New version of ProMax
Gavin McIntyre
Feb 26, 2007
The time has finally arrived and Bryan Research & Engineering, LLC is proud to announce the release of ProMax version 2.0. ProMax 2.0 is a major upgrade and includes a complete reactor suite for modeling kinetic (plug flow and stirred tank), equilibrium, conversion, and Gibbs minimization schemes. We are especially proud of the ability to model Claus sulfur recovery plants through a predefined Gibbs minimization approach similar to that of TSWEET. With this addition, users of ProMax can easily model the entire gas processing plant in one project file.
Many other improvements have also been made in areas such as exchanger rating, pipeline modeling, amine sweetening, glycol dehydration, relief valve sizing, new components and property package and much more. Each of these new enhancements is aimed at making the ProMax simulation experience the best possible. Please take time to visit our web site or contact our office directly to learn more about all of the exciting new capabilities of ProMax 2.0.
Authored by Gavin McIntyre - BR&E Sales Department